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Orlické Záhoří

Medvědí jeskyně u Kletna (rezervace na tel.: 0048 748141250, směr – Bystrzyca Klodzka, Sienna) • Jaskynia Niedwiedzia w Kletnie (rezerwacja biletów: +48 748141250, kierunek Bystrzyca Kłodzka, Sienna) • Bärenhöhle bei Kletno (Buchung Tel.: 0048 748141250, Richtung – Bystrzyca Klodzka, Sienna)

Bear Cave near Kletno is the longest cave in the Polish Sudetenland. It is located south of the village of Kletno in Kłodzko and is considered the most beautiful accessible cave in Poland. The tourist part of the cave can be visited all year round every day of the week except Monday. Paid parking is about 1 km north of the entrance to the cave, by the road leading to the cave from Kletno. Access to the cave is not allowed. Prior reservation is recommended for visiting the cave due to the great interest of visitors, the maximum size of the group is 15 people. The visiting route takes place at the level of the middle floor of the cave and is 360 m long. The tour of the cave lasts approximately 45 minutes.

(rezervace na tel.: 0048 748141250, směr – Bystrzyca Klodzka, Sienna) • Jaskynia Niedwiedzia w Kletnie (rezerwacja biletów: +48 748141250, kierunek Bystrzyca Kłodzka, Sienna) • Bärenhöhle bei Kletno (Buchung Tel.: 0048 748141250, Richtung – Bystrzyca Klodzka, Sienna).

www.jaskinianiedzwiedzia.pl www.jaskinianiedzwiedzia.pl
50 km

Miedzygórze (Pohádková zahrada, vodopád na řece Wilczka 21 m) • Międzygórze (Ogród Bajek, Wodospad Wilczki 21 m) • Miedzygórze (Märchengarten, Wasserfall am Fluss Wilczka 21 m)

The fairytale garden is a place that the little ones will appreciate the most, but we also liked it very much. There are hand-carved figures of many famous fairy-tale characters from the Polish Bolek and Lolka through the Czech Mole to the more moderate Shrek. Admission is very acceptable and the visit is definitely worth it.

The Wilczki Waterfall (Wodospad Wilczki) is located in Lower Silesia in the Kłodzko District of Bystrzyca Kłodzka, near the local part of Międzygórze (until 1945 Wölfelsgrund, Vlčí Důl in Czech). The Wilczka river springs in a valley between the Średniak mountain and the northern slope of Králický Sněžník. About 7 km from the spring, it creates an impressive waterfall at a tectonic fault with a height of about 23 m.

(Pohádková zahrada, vodopád na řece Wilczka 21 m) • Międzygórze (Ogród Bajek, Wodospad Wilczki 21 m) • Miedzygórze (Märchengarten, Wasserfall am Fluss Wilczka 21 m).

www.miedzygórze.pl www.miedzygórze.pl
35 km

Bystrzyca Klodzka (Filumenistické muzeum, vyhlídkové věže: Rytířská věž, Vodní brána, Kladská bašta) • Bystrzyca Kłodzka (Muzeum Filumenistyczne, Wieże widokowe: Wieża Rycerska, Brama Wodna, Baszta Kłodzka) • Bystrzyca Klodzka (Museum für Phillumenisten, Aussichtsturm: Ritterturm, Wassertor, Glatzer Bollwerk)

The Filumenist Museum is the only Polish museum of its kind, one of the world's few museums dedicated to fire, matches and lighters. A similar museum is located in Sušice, London and Jönköping (Sweden). The museum is housed in a former evangelical church and a former parish school. Both buildings date from 1821-1822. After the tragic fire of the city in 1823, they were rebuilt. The Filumenist Museum was established in 1964 on the initiative of the town's inhabitants, representatives of the local match factory and the Bystrzyca Kłodzka Friends Association, mainly due to the town's long tradition of match production. The museum exhibits are rich collections of objects used to light a fire, matchboxes and match labels from various parts of the world.

The Kladz Bastion (Baszta Kłodzką) with the Observation Deck is located on Okrzei Street. The defensive structure from the beginning of the 14th century is decorated on the top floor on each side with two loopholes and between them - a little higher - stone gargoyles, draining rainwater. On the façade, facing Okrzei Street, the remains of the saddle roof of the former Kladská Gate (demolished in 1843) are still visible, which adjoined the bastion and was connected to it on two floors by rectangular openings. Between 1975 and 1977, the tower was repaired, its pointed roof provided with plaster and the observation deck secured by a metal grille. At one time it was the main entrance to the city. Its current appearance corresponds to 1568, when the brick top pyramid replaced the original wooden one. It also included a wooden bridge, demolished in 1855. The bastion has been open to the public since 1977, and was included in the list of monuments in 2009.

The Knight's Tower (Baszta Rycerską) is basically as old as its colleague Kladská. However, the construction of the tower was not definitively completed until 1580, and in 1608 and 1843 it underwent reconstructions, which, however, did not change its appearance in any way. It is located on Rycerska Street and in the past was also called the Black Bastion (but also Havran or - according to the Butchers' Guild - Rzeźnicza). In 1843 it was rebuilt on the bell tower of the evangelical church. As part of this reconstruction, double brick windows were also created in the upper part of the tower. On the wall facing the street, stone struts could still be seen, which once carried the porch and supported the balcony on the upper floor, at the portal with a broken arch. Narrow loopholes can be seen on all four sides of the bastion. The top wooden pyramid helmet was bricked to its current form in 1608. The original bell from the beginning of the 19th century still remains in the tower. The Knight's Bastion is also open to the public and it was also entered on the list of Polish monuments in 2009.

The Water Gate (Brama Wodna) is considered to be a building whose construction began at the same time as the city fortification, ie in 1319. It can be found in the southern part of the old town in Podmiejská Street and thanks to its location it was also called the Lower Gate. This tower-like building underwent a major reconstruction only in 1568. To this day, it has preserved a brick battlement, probably dating from the time when the tower received a new dome. The gate at the bottom of the tower has a cradle vault and on the outside - in the direction from the suburbs - there is a trick in the wall above the passage with a guide for pulling out the grille that closed the entrance to the city. Its wooden replica - reconstructed in 2013 - can be seen here even today, as well as the Czech lion in the "passage". From the side of the city, you can climb the stairs to a small room with a wooden ceiling on the first floor, which is not always accessible. A city police officer had his maid in the tower, while a scribe collected a toll in front of it for entering the city. Fees were paid for each car and basket of goods. In the last century, the gate tower served as a tourist lookout or exhibition space, presenting the work of local craftsmen and various documents related to the history of the city. Looking at the Water Gate from the city, we see an external staircase with a simple portal at the top and square windows with stone linings. The shape of the windows and the portal refers to the architecture of the late Middle Ages. In 2013, the Water Gate building was renovated and some of its architectural details were restored, including the closing grille. It was included in the list of monuments in February 1960.

(Filumenistické muzeum, vyhlídkové věže: Rytířská věž, Vodní brána, Kladská bašta) • Bystrzyca Kłodzka (Muzeum Filumenistyczne, Wieże widokowe: Wieża Rycerska, Brama Wodna, Baszta Kłodzka) • Bystrzyca Klodzka (Museum für Phillumenisten, Aussichtsturm: Ritterturm, Wassertor, Glatzer Bollwerk).

www.bystrzycaklodzka.pl www.bystrzycaklodzka.pl
18 km

Klodzko (Gotický most – zmenšenina Karlova mostu, Tvrz, kostel Nanebevzetí Panny Marie – zde umístěn náhrobek Arnošta z Pardubic, Park miniatur Minieuroland) • Kłodzko (most gotycki – miniatura praskiego Mostu Karola, Twierdza Kłodzka, kościół pw. Wniebowzięcia NMP z płytą grobową Arnoszta z Pardubic,Park Miniatur Minieuroland) • Klodzko (Gotische Brücke, Festung, Maria Himmelfahrt-Kirche – mit der Gruft des Erzbischofs Anrnošt z Pardubic, Miniaturpark Minieuroland )

Gothic bridge

The city spans the remarkable Gothic bridge of St. John with six baroque statues, including St. Jan Nepomucký. It is one of the most characteristic monuments of the city and is often compared to Prague's Charles Bridge.



The main fortress (Twierdza Główna) is located on the Fortress Mountain (Góra Forteczna, 369 m above sea level) in the middle of the city and covers an area of more than 30 ha.

The history of the Kladsko fortress begins in the Middle Ages, with the establishment of a wooden warning castle in the 10th century. Later, the castle was rebuilt into a brick defensive seat of the rulers of Kladno. And in its place was later created a modern system of fortifications, which met the demands of military architecture of the 17th and 18th centuries.

Today, the fortress is an extraordinary monument of modern military architecture, which still hides many secrets.

In the 17th century, the largest reconstruction of the Kladsko castle was started, which brought changes, most of which have survived to this day. In 1622, Valentin von Säbisch, a architect and builder of the fortifications in Wrocław, presented a proposal to strengthen the castle and transform it into a bastion fortress. At that time, a crown wall was created consisting of three bastions (defensive buildings built on the advanced corners of the walls) protected by triangular ravelins. The front of these defenses is facing north. In that direction there was an open space, the defense of which was the most difficult. From the south side, where the main entrance is today, the castle was naturally protected by a steep stony slope. In the 1780s, the construction was led by the famous Prague builder and architect Jakopo Carove.

The second and last phase of the reconstruction of the fortress took place during the reign of Frederick II. Great. After the first Silesian War in 1742, Frederick II. occupied the Kladsko county in Austria and issued an order to further strengthen the Kladsko fortress, which he considered one of the most important points in the defense of the state. The author of the reconstruction project was General and fortress builder Gerhard Cornelius von Walrave. In 1796, the highest point of the fortress was built - donjon - a massive tower, which was considered the last refuge and center of counterattack in defense of the fortress. In the donjon, there were three-storey warehouses, up to 20 meters deep, and casemates with an armory, a pharmacy, a laboratory and a space for a crew. The donjon was surrounded by a chain of bastions, pliers, redoubts and redans, there were chances and firing positions in the foreground, as well as a system of dry ditches up to 10 meters deep.

In accordance with the rules of fortress construction, each strength element is higher than the element standing in front of it.

In the second half of the 19th century, the fortress ceased to function as a defensive one. It was used as a military warehouse, prison and during World War II there was even a forced labor plant, which produced electronic parts for U-boot submarines and V1 and V2 missiles. After the war, there were military warehouses and a winery in the fortress complex. Since 1960, the fortress has been listed as a monument.


Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary

This beautiful church is the most beautiful preserved church in Kladno. While admiring its rich architecture, decorations and interior equipment, we witness the exciting history of the building.

The first mention of the construction of a church on this site dates back to 1194. However, we can assume that at that time it was still a very modest, wooden church. The foundation stone of the current building was laid in 1344 by the people of Kladno. Kladsko, which was part of the Czech Kingdom, then found itself, from the ecclesiastical point of view, in the newly created Prague Archdiocese. However, the construction of the church itself began only after the death of its main founder - the first Prague archbishop Arnošt of Pardubice. When he died in 1364, he bequeathed a considerable amount of money to continue construction. The winding paths of fate, the constant wars, and fires that plagued the city caused the church to continue to grow. By the time of the Hussite wars, the walls of the three-nave basilica had been erected. The work was restored in 1462. At that time, the construction of the south tower, called the White Tower, began. The emblem of the Maltese cross and the year 1465 have been preserved on its outer steps to this day. In reality, however, its construction ended three years later. The construction of the North - Black - Tower began in 1487, but was not completed until the 16th century. The character of the architecture and interior design of the Kladno church was most strongly shaped by the late Gothic and especially the Baroque.

A number of legends were associated with Arnošt of Pardubice, the main founder of the parish church. The inhabitants of Kłodzko considered him a saint, even though he was never canonized. It is said that during his youth, when he attended the Kladno school of the Johannites, he witnessed a miracle that changed his life forever. Young Arnošt, as the son of a Kladno castellan, was proud of his origin. During the ongoing devotion, while singing the anthem "Salve Regina", he saw with his classmates how the statue of the Virgin Mary standing on the main altar turned his face to him. According to later legend, the archbishop then underwent a spiritual revival and became a great worshiper of the Virgin Mary.


Park Miniatur – Minieuroland

covers an area of ​​20 thousand. m², there are over 40 exhibits (in the end more than 100 models are planned). Here you can see famous buildings from around the world, especially from Europe but also from Lower Silesia.
The park is located in beautiful nature, where you can admire the design of individual miniatures to the smallest detail. Surrounded by fairytale scenery - sophisticated and unique with more than 500 species of trees and shrubs imported from the best florists in the Netherlands and Belgium - you can admire iconic buildings of world-famous significance such as Dresden, Paris and many more. Miniatur Park invites you to a land of beauty, peace and harmony.

(Gothic bridge - a miniature of Charles Bridge, Fortress, Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary - the tomb of Arnošt of Pardubice, Park of Miniatures Minieuroland is located here) • Kłodzko Pardubice, Miniature Park Minieuroland) • Klodzko (Gothic Bridge, Fortress, Maria Himmelfahrt-Kirche - with the Gruft des Erzbischofs Anrnošt z Pardubic, Miniature Park Minieuroland.

www.klodzko.pl www.klodzko.pl
35 km

Duszniki Zdrój (Muzeum papírnictví, lázně – léčivé prameny, Chopinův dvůr, barevná fontána, Zelená stezka zdraví ) • Duszniki-Zdrój (Muzeum Papiernictwa, uzdrowisko, źródła mineralne, Dworek Chopina, kolorowa fontanna, Zielona ścieżka zdrowia) • Duszniki Zdrój (Museum für Geschichte der Papiererzeugung, Bad – Heilquellen, Chopin-Hof, Farbige Fontane, Grüner Pfad der Gesundheit)

Stationery Museum

The Museum of Papermaking in the Duszniki Zdroj Spa is housed in a paper mill, a unique technical monument from the 17th century. The museum is one of the most interesting tourist attractions in Lower Silesia. It is located by the river Bystrzyca Dusznicka, on the southern outskirts of the city, by the road leading to the border crossing Náchod.

During the tour you will learn about the history of paper and paper industry in the world and in Poland, you can also see an exhibition on printing techniques and paper products. Copies of watermarks of various paper mills in the world, in Poland and Silesia and logos of contemporary Polish paper mills are also on display. The biggest attraction of the local museum are demonstrations of handmade paper production, which are shown on the ground floor of the paper mill. An exhibition on the history of printing is located in the courtyard of the museum.



The spa town of Duszniki Zdrój is located in southwestern Poland, in the Lower Silesian Voivodeship, on the Kladská Bystřice River, near the Czech-Polish border, about 20 km east of the town of Náchod. Although the spa lies at an altitude of 588 m, the microclimate here is identical to the places located at 1000 m.n.m.

The town of Duszniki Zdroj is one of the five spas in the Kłodzko Basin. Kłodzko is the area with the largest occurrence of mineral and healing springs in Poland. Studeny pramen (Winter Source) was discovered as early as 1408. The pleasant taste of mineral waters made the town famous far beyond its borders. In 1800, the first spa buildings with procedures based on mineral waters and dairy raw materials (cow's and sheep's milk) were built.

The spa facilities are located in a park, which is connected to the city center by a 1 km long Chopin alley. The city was loved by the composer F. Chopin, who was treated and given concerts here. In the middle of the Spa Park is the architectural monument Chopinův dvůr, where F. Chopin gave a concert in 1826. Today, spa concerts are held here, and since 1948, the International Chopin Festival has been held here every year.

Water is used to treat stomach and intestinal ulcers, liver disease, osteoporosis, chronic and allergic respiratory diseases, infertility and musculoskeletal system. The basic types of procedures and treatments are natural baths, mud wraps, hydrotherapy, inhalation, electrotherapy, massages, therapeutic exercise and more.


Green health trail

The natural gym is divided into two parts: a small and a short circuit. A small circuit consisting of 10 wooden stands is located on the site of an old natural gym in the forest park. A large circuit with 10 outdoor gym stations connected the city center with the Podgórze (Podhůří) locality and a small circuit.

The first 5 stations of the natural gym (steel fitness machines) were located on the playground on Al. Chopina. The advantage of this location is the proximity to the city center and the recreational area connected with a football field, playground and roller skating rink.

The second place with five stations on the so-called large circuit is located by the Black Pond (Czarny Staw) and also represents the end point. The place where the fitness machines were installed is located in the park of Major Pilot Czech Nowacký between Zielona and Graniczna Streets.

The advantage of the third location is the terrain of a recreational nature, where there are places to organize a campfire, playground, recreational, recreational water reservoir with tourist facilities, lighted trails.

(Museum of Stationery, Spa - Healing Springs, Chopin's Court, Colorful Fountain, Green Health Trail) • Duszniki-Zdrój Paper production, bath - healer, Chopin-Hof, colorful fountains, green background of health),

www.duszniki.pl www.duszniki.pl
22 km

Jarków (Japonská zahrada, Ogród Japoński, die Japanischgarten)

Japanese garden

The garden is private, started in 1980 by Mr. Edward Majcher. After demanding landscaping and setting stones, he planted several hundred trees, shrubs and plants. In 2003, it made it available to the public. Initially, the garden gradually became known to gardeners and admirers of Japanese culture, today it is well known and frequently visited.

The Japanese garden with an area of 1,000 m2 is intertwined with a number of paths made of stacked stones and gravel. These will take you to interesting nooks and crannies with lakes, waterfalls, landscaped trees, statues and other small architecture.

(Japonská zahrada, Ogród Japoński, die Japanischgarten)

30 km

Polanica Zdrój (lázně – léčivé prameny, lázeňský park, betonová socha ledního medvěda, horská dráha Góralka) • Polanica-Zdrój (uzdrowisko, źródła mineralne, Park Zdrojowy, betonowa rzeźba niedźwiedzia polarnego, tor saneczkowy Góralka) • Polanica Zdrój (Bad – Heilquellen, Parkanlage, Eisenbeer – Betonstatue, Bergbahn Góralka)


Polanica Zdrój Spa is often called the pearl of Lower Silesian spas. It lies at the foot of the Bystřice and Table Mountains, near the Czech-Polish border.
Polanica Zdrój is the youngest spa in the whole of Kłodzko. Their history dates back to less than 200 years ago. The water of the local mineral springs comes from the heart of the Table Mountains and is used to treat heart and vascular diseases, digestive and musculoskeletal problems. You can taste, for example, the water of healthy springs Joseph Pieniawa, Staropolanka 2000 and others, but Polanica is said to heal every drop of moisture here. Guests go to the spa not only for the return of battered health, but also for active relaxation in the mild mountain climate, thanks to which there are mild winters and warm, sunny summers.


The heart of the spa beats in the rhythm of the fountain

The heart of Polanice is the spa park, which blooms in the spring with a number of beautifully colored beautiful rhododendrons. It covers an area of ​​about 13 hectares and is immediately adjacent to the spa buildings. In the front of the park there is a pavilion designed for drinking cures. It includes a covered promenade with popular spa concerts. Next to the main park alley is the Wielka Pieniawa sanatorium from 1906. A popular attraction is the fountain, which stands opposite it and in the season, when it gets dark, it is colorfully lit and its jets create magical shapes in the rhythm of music. Another interesting feature of the park is the statue of a polar bear, which recalls the fact that in times long past, the Scandinavian glacier reached the territory of Kłodzko.

(spa - healing springs, spa park, concrete statue of a polar bear, Góralka mountain railway) • Polanica-Zdrój Eisenbeer - Betonstatue, Bergbahn Góralka)

www.polanica.pl www.polanica.pl
30 km

Kudowa Zdrój (lázně – léčivé prameny, Muzeum hraček, Aquapark, Skanzen pod širým nebem, do 7 km Karlów – Dinopark) • Kudowa Zdrój (uzdrowisko, źródła mineralne, Muzeum Zabawek, Aquapark Wodny Świat, Szlak Ginących Zawodów – muzeum plenerowe Muzeum plenerowe w Kudowie-Czermnej, do 7 km Karłów – Park Dinozaurów) • Kudowa Zdrój (Bad – Heilquellen, Spielzeugmuseum, Aqua-Park, Freilichtmuseum, 7 Kil. entfernt Karlów – Dino-Park)


In 2004, the Kudowa Spa celebrated its 650th anniversary. It is the largest spa in the Klodzko region and, thanks to its year-round pleasant climate and quality services, it is one of the most visited. Their heart is the spa park (Park Zdrojowy) at the foot of the mountain called Góra Parkowa, where there is a beautiful pavilion with mineral healing springs, dating from 1853. Mineral springs are used for drinking cures and baths.


Rest and experiences

The spa is an ideal place to relax. You can enjoy walks through the city with its typical spa architecture, colonnade and 17-hectare park. If you love massages and relaxation, you are in the right place. Everywhere in the spa you will find quality massage services. Families with children will also enjoy themselves here, as there is a popular aqua park with a water slide and several salt caves in Kudowa. The town has many interesting attractions and its surroundings are perfect for trips. In the local part of Czermno next to the church there is an ossuary (Kaplica Czaszek), the interior of which is lined with more than three thousand skulls and bones. Also noteworthy is the Trail of Disappearing Crafts with a bird mini zoo and a sweet ostrich, which is also an open-air museum with a unique windmill. In addition to the pottery workshop, where you can make your own ceramic product, you will get acquainted with the mill and blacksmith's craft. The museum is located in the open air, only about 200 m from the ossuary. The unique features of the town include the Museum of Frogs on Sloneczna Street. They have a collection of daily necessities with an amphibian theme. The museum also provides education related to the protection of frogs. Another attraction that will delight your children in particular is the Toy Museum from the 19th and 20th centuries with more than 3,000 exhibits from all continents.


Karlów – Dinopark

Dinopark in Karlów, Poland, covers an area of 8,300 m2 and features 38 models of prehistoric humans and animals. It is located on the way from the parking lot to the north to the rocky peak of Velká Hejšovina (Polish Wielki Szczeliniec). It is open to the public during the tourist season, ie from May to October.

(spa - healing springs, Toy Museum, Aquapark, Open-air open-air museum, up to 7 km Karlów - Dinopark) • Kudowa Zdrój Czermnej, up to 7 km Karłów - Dinosaur Park) • Kudowa Zdrój (Bad - Heilquellen, Spielzeugmuseum, Aqua-Park, Freilichtmuseum, 7 Kil. Enter Karlów - Dino-Park).

www.kudowa.pl www.kudowa.pl
35 km

Zieleniec (Středisko zimních sportů – sedačkové lanovky jsou využité i v letním období, Torfowisko pod Zielencem – prameniště Divoké Orlice) • Zieleniec (Ośrodek Sportów Zimowych – wyciągi krzesełkowe czynne są także w okresie letnim,Torfowisko pod Zieleńcem – źródła Dzikiej Orlicy) • Zieleniec (Wintersportzentrum – die Sesselbahnen auch im Sommer im Verkehr, Torfmoor unter Zielenec – der Flussquell des Adlerflusses)

Winter sports center

Zieleniec Ski Arena is one of the largest and best ski resorts in Poland, whose history dates back to the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Today, lovers of ski madness come to Zieleńce not only from all over Poland, but also from the neighboring Czech Republic or Germany, and the center itself is regularly awarded in various surveys and competitions.


Torfowisko pod Zielencem

The peat bog (torfowisko) below Zieleńec is easily accessible from Masaryk's cottage in Šerlich (on foot) or from Poland from the direction of Duszniki Zdroj or Bystrzyca Klodzka (by car). The area of ​​the peat bog is 218.6 ha. The original area of ​​the reservation, declared in 1954, was 158 ha. The altitude range of the peat bog is only 20 m (750 - 770 m). The age of the peat bog below Zieleńce is estimated at 7,600 years. The thickness of peat is on average 3 to 4 m, the maximum is about 8.5 m, while even today a 1 - 2 mm thick layer is added annually.

Torfowisko pod Zieleńcem consists of two parts called Topielisko and Czarne Bagno. A green tourist sign leads across the peat bog, from which two branches in the form of an attic sidewalk run out. The first path leads to the part of Topielisko, where it ends with a grassy platform with seating and a lookout tower (lookout tower). The second attic path will take you to the part of Czarne Bagno, which in my opinion is more interesting and sunny. In addition, with large areas of peat bog.

(Winter sports center - chair lifts are also used in summer, Torfowisko pod Zielencem - spring Divoké Orlice) • Zieleniec (Ośrodek Sportów Zimowych) - the armchairs also in summer in the traffic, Torfmoor under Zielenec - the river of the Adler river)

www.zieleniec.pl www.zieleniec.pl
12 km

Pevnost Stříbrná hora • Twierdza Srebrnogórska • Silver Mountain Fortress • Festung Silberberg

A huge building towering over the city, with thick stone walls, lots of dark casemates, surrounded by a moat, impregnable and full of soldiers with muskets; in addition, the noise of gunshots and the smell of gunpowder - this is how we usually imagine a fortress. If we decide to go to the top of the hill Warowna Góra, which in Czech translation means something like "Fortified Mountain", located above the town of Srebrna Góra - Czech Silver Mountain - we will be surprised by the size of this military complex. It is the largest mountain facility of this type in Europe.

https://forty.pl forty.pl
58 km

Bardo • Bazilika Navštívení Panny Marie • Bazylika Nawiedzenia Najświętszej Marii Panny • The Basilica of Visitation of the Virgin Mary • Basilika Mariä Heimsuchung

The Church of the Visitation of the Virgin Mary was built between 1686 and 1704 by Cistercians from Kamieńka Ząbkowický, who manage the local parish, on the site of two former Czech and German churches. The church in Barda was probably designed by an architect with the surname Quadro, who is credited with the authorship of the Jesuit temple in Nysa, one of the few emporium churches without a dome and transept. The four arcade nave, terminated by a barrel vault divided by supporting arches with lunettes, looks very slender. The beam is modest, slightly angled in the area of ​​the pilasters.

The building has been preserved to its original form to this day. It measures 54 meters in length, 26 meters in width and can accommodate up to five thousand people. It is considered one of the most beautiful baroque tabernacles of Lower Silesia. In addition to the miraculous statue of the Virgin Mary of Bardská, the oldest wooden Romanesque statue in Lower Silesia, the richly carved Baroque pulpit, organ and paintings by the most important Silesian Baroque painter Michael Willmann on the main and two side altars are worth a visit.

In September 2004, the Bard Church was promoted to the seat of the Church of Our Lady of Bard, the guardian of the Holy Faith of the Svidnice Diocese. In November 2008, the church was granted the status of a minor basilica.

http://www.bardo.pl www.bardo.pl
53 km

Bardo • radnice • ratusz • town hall • Rathaus

http://www.bardo.pl www.bardo.pl
53 km

Bardo • Klášter • Klasztor • Monastery • Kloster

Monastery of the Order of Redemptorists - formerly a Cistercian building

Vedle kostela se nachází cisterciácký barokní klášter postavený v letech 1712-1716 na místě bývalé dřevěné stavby, která shořela v roce 1711. Dnes zde sídlí Muzeum církevního umění, založené z iniciativy současných správců poutního místa - redemptoristů. V přízemí se nachází votivní kaple proslavená milostmi a zázraky na přímluvu bardské Madony.

Stavba kláštera s masivními zdmi a příčným křídlem zakončeným barokními věžemi vznikla na nepravidelném půdoryse blížícím se tvaru písmena T. Od roku 1900 je nad hlavním vchodem umístěn erb redemptoristů v latinském jazyce „Copiosa apud eum redemptio” (tzn. “Hojné je u Něho vykoupení”). Široké klášterní chodby s kopulovými klenbami na nosných obloucích završují obloukovité, zdobené stropy.

V roce 1807 byl klášter během útoku na kladskou pevnost sídlem napoleonské armády šířící zde zpustošení. Pobýval zde Jeroným Bonaparte, Napoleonům bratr, který vojenskému tažení velel.

Jedou z mála památek dochovaných po cisterciácích, zakladatelích kláštera, jsou cisterciácké erby a portréty opatů, nyní uložené v muzeum.

Na prostranství u kláštera je pomník papeže Jana Pavla II. z roku 1981 od Adama Romana z Varšavy. Jedná se o druhý podobný pomník, který v Polsku vznikl z úcty k Janu Pavlu II.

http://www.bardo.pl www.bardo.pl
53 km

Zřícenina hradu Bardo • Ruiny zamku w Bardzie • Bardo Castle ruins • Ruinen der Burg in Bardo

Remains of a medieval castle building

In 1861, on the slopes of Calvary, the ruins of a medieval castle complex were discovered below Skalní strží, which served as a defensive and observation guard. Its task was to guard the road leading along Kladská Nysa. The small building, built on an irregular floor plan, consisted of two parts - the castle grounds and the castle itself - a guardhouse with a massive cylindrical tower with a diameter of about 10 meters and three basement residential and farm buildings. Access to the castle was protected by a stone wall, steep slopes and dry moats. The large number of spikes found suggests that the castle may have been conquered by force, probably during the Hussite invasion in the first half of the 15th century.

To this day, only the remains of the ground floor and foundations have been preserved. A small hill surrounded by a moat is a remnant of a dry moat, and a little further on a small fragment formed part of a pillar that once carried a bridge.

http://www.bardo.pl www.bardo.pl
53 km

Ząbkowice Śląskie • Hrad Frankenstein • Zamek Frankenstein • Frankenstein Castle • Burg Frankenstein

The castle, whose ruins still exist, was built almost on the same site as Piast Castle. It was built around 1290 by Prince Bolek I. Świdnicko - Ziębicki (1278 - 1301) as a border fortress.

The building material needed for the construction of the walls, which is almost 3 meters thick, was imported from nearby quarries, including Stolec and Kobyla Głowa.

From 1351, when, after long struggles, the country of Ząbkowice came under Czech rule, the chateau was the seat of the offices of the Principality of Ziębice-Ząbkowice.

In March 1428, the Hussites burned down Ząbkowice, but risked an attack on a well-fortified fortress.

In later years, the castle passed several times from Czech to Polish hands and vice versa.

In 1467, the Czech fortified settlement had 100 spouses. The Wroclaw siege of Ząbkowice quickly conquered the city, but the stone bullets fired from the cannon did no damage to the strong castle walls. They managed to get the castle only thanks to the use of a "big can" - a cannon weighing 80 centimeters, which pulled 24 horses.

The commander of the newly conquered fortress was Wroclaw Ulrich Hans von Hasenburg. King George had no intention of leaving the castle in the hands of the enemy. So he sent his son Viktorin with an army of 4,000 soldiers. The defeated Czech king was also helped by Allied troops from Saxony and Brandenburg. On July 15, 1467, after heavy fighting, the Czech army occupied the town and the castle. The "big can" obtained from Wroclaw, which cost thousands of ducats, was taken to Prague. It is easy to see that in 1467 the castle was besieged and conquered twice. The following year, fighting between the Czech Republic and Silesia flared up again. In 1468 the castle was destroyed by Wroclaw.

The fortress was rebuilt by Prince Charles I of Poděbrady. The tomb of the prince and his wife Anna Żagańska, who died in 1536, is located in the Kauffung Chapel in the Church of St. Anne. The impressive Renaissance chateau on a plan similar to the square was built with breaks between 1516 and 1530. The castle of the Hungarian kings in Ofen was to serve as a model. The slate roof of the east wing was laid in 1529. In fact, the east wing was the only one completed completely.

The 16th century is a period of relative peace. The castle suffered a 30-year war, during which the castle passed several times from Swedish hands to imperial forces and vice versa.

From the Kłodzko Gate to the southeast corner of the castle stretched a wall topped by a circular tower called the "Crow Tower". In the southern and western parts, there were stone moats on the north and west sides with a casemate safe, which stretched to the tower of the tower in the southeast corner.

In the middle of the east wing was a quadrangular tower, called the watchtower. A permanent bridge led to the entrance gate in peacetime. During the war it was a drawbridge. Next to the main gate was the side gate.

Above the entrance is a rectangular plate of red sandstone, on which was once a metal base plate. Above the sandstone slab is the coat of arms of Prince Charles I of Poděbrady dated 1527. The main slab is divided into four fields. In the first right is the eagle Ziębice, on the left Olesnica, in the third on the chessboard Ziębice - Świdnik, in the fourth is the arc Kłodzko. The tower had a round roof topped with a button and a flag. It was used in the interwar period - there was a hostel for young people.

All four wings had a ground floor and two floors.

On the first floor of the east wing, to the right of the tower, were the princely chambers. There were also two large halls in the same wing. The first was the "meeting room" where councilors met. The second is the "Knight's Hall", where special celebrations were celebrated. On the second floor were rooms for servants and owners (it was the legal advice office of the castle ruler's college. In the 1920s, to the right of the entrance was a modest guard apartment that took care of the ruins and guarded them.

On the left side of the east wing, only small windows are visible on both floors. There were probably servants' rooms. In the southeast corner is a massive tower, in which you can still see the paintings on the arches of the windows. At the top is a black Silesian eagle. Below were two paintings that have not been preserved to this day. On the left was a Renaissance hunting scene. In the background was a castle, at the entrance to the castle a horse without a rider, under a figure in a heavily veiled robe blowing into a corner and animals resembling two bears and a chamois. On the opposite side is a building against the backdrop of a mountain landscape. At present, the image of an eagle is very difficult to see due to weather conditions and a complete lack of protection. Copies of the paintings are in the German Heimattmuseum (museum dedicated to Ząbkowice). On the upper floor of the tower was the principality's office, in the lower courtyard.

The south wing of the castle does not form a straight line. Its middle part is slightly concave. In this part, the last window of the latrine has been preserved on the outside (until recently, there were two).

In the middle of the wing is also a square tower, which was also covered by a round roof. The tower was once adjacent to the stables and the castle smithy.

The western and northern wings are not characterized by anything special. The construction of the north wing was never completed, because due to the threat of a Turkish invasion, the prince concentrated on building fortifications.

The spacious castle nursery measures 37.6 x 36.7 meters. Knightly tournaments and exercises were probably held here. In the south.

http://www.zabkowiceslaskie.pl www.zabkowiceslaskie.pl
62 km

Ząbkowice Śląskie • Křivá věž • Krzywa Wieża • Leaning Tower • Schiefer Turm

To this day, it is not possible to say with certainty exactly when the Crooked Tower was built or for what purpose. One version says that it is a remnant of a former castle, which was supposed to exist here before the location of the city, as evidenced by the lowest part of the tower, built of stone to a height of about 10 meters. The brick part was rebuilt at the turn of the 14th and 15th centuries, in parallel with the construction of the church of St. Anne. The former entrance to the tower is located on the first floor. Originally, the building could only be accessed by a ladder or external stairs. The room inside the building, located on the ground floor, accessible only from above, served as a starvation room. There is currently an exhibition "Medieval Chamber of Torture and Prison" in the Hunger Dungeon.

Another concept is the German historian and architect Kurt Bimler. He claims that the tower located at the lowest point of the old town served as the city gate. Finally, the third version says that the tower was built as a city bell tower. He played such a role from the 15th century until World War II. In 1507 it was connected with the church of St. Anna used a covered porch, which made it easier to move the bell tower from the church to the bell tower. At the end of the 16th century, the porch was demolished because the structure was tilted and cracked. It is not known exactly why the tower tilted. It is generally believed that the cause may have been tectonic shocks, which were recorded in our area on September 15, 1590. It is also possible that the reason was wetting of the soil.

There is also a legend explaining the slope of the tower. He talks about the events of 1858, when after a big fire in the city, an expert opinion was prepared for foundations. The results of the survey surprised experts. Based on them, it was found that the tower could be built inclined from the beginning. Oh, such a fantasy of builders who wanted to have Ząbkowice Śląskie unique and unique structure. In the nineteenth century, in the part of the tower that was consumed by the great fire, there was probably an inscription by the builder: "Ich heiß Hohannes Gleiß, hab diesen Turm schieff gebaut mit Fleiß". (My name is Johannes Gleiß, I built this tower leaning diligently). Unfortunately, when the upper floor of the tower was rebuilt after a large fire, the inscription was destroyed. At present, the deviation of the tower from the vertical is 2.14 m. It is worth mentioning

In 1858, during the great fire of the city, its upper part was destroyed. After the fire, the city authorities wanted to completely demolish the building so that its ruins would not endanger the safety of neighboring houses. In the end, however, after the expertise of the building, it was decided that the burned part of the tower would be rebuilt. That's when she received a swallowtail.

After the reconstruction, the height of the tower is 34 m. A small tower with a spiral staircase was added from the south. The work was finally completed on October 11, 1860. A button with a cross was placed on the dome of the tower, in which the then priest Johannes Grundey wrote a commemorative letter and after the great fire the city was demolished.

The Leaning Tower currently serves as a lookout. In December 2007, a thorough renovation of the exterior walls of the building was completed, thanks to which the tower regained its former beauty.

http://www.zabkowiceslaskie.pl www.zabkowiceslaskie.pl
62 km

Kamieniec Ząbkowicki • Zámek Marianny Oranžské • Pałac Marianny Orańskiej • Palace of Marianna Oranska • Schloss der Marianne von Oranien-Nassau

The palace is an architectural pearl of Lower Silesia and the best example of neo-Gothic architecture. It was built in the first half of the 19th century. century on the initiative of Princess Marianna of Orange (1810-1883) according to the model of architect Karel Schinkl. After his death, the building plan was implemented by his student, the young architect Ferdinand Martius.

The foundation stone for the construction of the palace was laid on October 15, 1838. And on April 20, work began on the construction of the mansion. The princess constantly intervened in the design of the palace and changed the smallest details.

The palace had more than 100 larger and smaller rooms, a chapel and two large halls. In one of them, the so-called dining hall, there were two huge frescoes, "Wedding in Cana" and "Baltazar's Feast". The construction of the palace was completed 33 years later, minor works and equipment of the palace interior lasted until 1902. After II. During World War II, the devastation and theft of the palace property began, and what was left fell into fire in January 1946. In 1986, the property was leased to a private individual for 40 years. In 2012, the village of Kamieniec Ząbkowicki acquired the dilapidated building and subsequently proceeded to its reconstruction. Thanks to investments that include maintenance, repairs and reconstruction, the building has lost its luster and has been open to visitors since May 2013.

http://kamienieczabkowicki.eu kamienieczabkowicki.eu
59 km

Międzylesie • Zámek • Zamek • Castle • Schloss

Międzylesie Castle is located in the heart of Międzylesie. The complex consists of a Renaissance courtyard with medieval elements, which is connected to a Baroque castle. The construction of the court began in the 16th century. the von Tschirnhaus brothers, who used the remains of an older medieval building. In the 17th and 18th century. a two-winged castle was built, which represents the early Silesian Baroque.

http://zamekmiedzylesie.pl zamekmiedzylesie.pl
30 km

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