The forest stands under the Šerlich - Orlické Záhoří road on the north-eastern fault slope of the Orlické Mountains towards the state border with Poland form the "Trčkov" national nature reserve. It is a relatively large (65 ha + 23 ha protection zone) and a very valuable remnant of natural forest on the eastern slope of the main ridge of the Eagle Mountains at an altitude of 760 - 920 m above sea level. The reservation is dominated by a forest type of fir beech with the occurrence of the original beech, fir and spruce. The vegetation is hidden behind the ridge and protected to some extent from the effects of acid mists and rains. Thanks to this, they have been preserved in relatively good condition, their age is more than 150 years. In terms of invertebrate fauna, NPR Trčkov is one of the most important localities in the OH. The reservation was announced in 1982.
Another reservation "Trčkovská louka" near the gamekeeper's lodge in Zadní Trčkov is one of the last remnants of vegetation-rich semi-cultural meadows, which have not yet been ameliorated. About 200 species of higher plants have been found here, among others, the Great Spotted Woodpecker, the Mayflower, the European Poplar, etc. There was also found the uncoated, Carpathian migrant, which has the limit of its worldwide distribution in the Orlické Mountains. The reserve with an area of 12.82 ha, including the protection zone, lying at an altitude of 740 - 760 m, was declared in 1982. Scattered greenery is a suitable habitat for some species of birds.
About 1 km north of the above-mentioned gamekeeper's lodge in Trčkov is the natural monument "Velká louka" - one of the last peat meadows in the Orlické Mountains, which escaped the drainage of forest soils carried out in this area in the 1970s. It is an important botanical and entomological locality and one of the last refuges of endangered species of plants and animals. Area 2.34 ha, altitude 740 - 758 m, declared 1982.
Even further north of Trčkov, at the state border with Poland, by the Černý potok lies the nature reserve "Hraniční louka" - a semi-cultural peat meadow with a rich herbal composition and scattered greenery. From the fauna there is a very rare spider Alopecosa pinetorum, which was first found in the Czech Republic in the late 1980s on peat bogs in the Jeseníky Mountains, then also in the Jizera Mountains and the Giant Mountains. The finding in the Olympic Games filled an empty place in the chain of its deposits in the northern border mountains of the Czech Republic. Area 8.85 ha, altitude 726 - 784 m, declared 1982.
(Information drawn mainly from Helena Faltysová's book: Protected Areas of the Czech Republic - Hradec Králové Region; Prague, Agency for Nature and Landscape Protection of the Czech Republic, EkoCentrum Brno 2002, pp. 274 - 316.)
Bird area Orlické Záhoří Orlické Záhoří protected area according to NATURA 2000 guidelines, which aims to protect endangered bird species, declared in 2004, on an area of 904 ha in a valley on the right bank of the Wild Eagle in Trčkov, Bedřichovka, Jadrná, Kunštát and Orlické Záhoří northeastern border with Poland. More than 90% of the territory consists of meadows and pastures, which are managed in the system of organic farming. The subject of protection of the bird area is the occurrence of the field crested newt (Crex crex) and its nesting environment, which consists mainly of wet and spring meadows, alternated with cultural mowed meadows.