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Tourist Information Center
Orlické Záhoří

The castles on the Orlice River are aptly referred to as the Czech Loire, as the Divoká Orlice connects several historic settlements here as a phenomenon of Podorlicko, but also an excellent tip for where not to go during summer days. Within a radius of about 9 km there are several castles and chateaux. In addition, a large part of them is in the hands of old aristocratic families or private owners, which is another unique one. It is therefore no exception that you meet their aristocratic owners here. At the New Chateau in Kostelci nad Orlicí, František Kinský himself even accompanies visitors through his chateau several times a year.

At the chateau in Častolovicelog , cozy interiors, a park with a water garden or a popular chateau menagerie await you. At the New Chateau in Kostelec nad Orlicílog, a varied range of cultural events and the sought-after Toni's café and restaurant, Doudleby nad Orlicí Chateau, on the other hand, attract you with exceptional sgraffito decoration, farmers' markets or Babiččin dvoreček, and zámek Potštejn logdazzles with playful tours. If you then climb the steep slopes to Potštejn log Castle or Litice log, you will have beautiful views of the region.

And for whom this cultural show would not be enough, whether it goes a little further to the Kolowrat Castle to Rychnov nad Kněžnou, to the birthplace of the Colloredo-Mansfelds to Opočno or to the Orlice Fortress to Letohrad.

https://www.mojeorlickehory.cz/zamky-na-orlici/ log

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