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Tourist Information Center
Orlické Záhoří


The modern museum exposition "Nature behind the Crafts of the Eagle Mountains" was created with the aim of bringing the general public closer to the environment in which they live. In accordance with this idea, the traditional regional crafts of the Orlické Mountains are thus presented in connection with natural resources. The exhibition introduces the visitor not only to the primary raw materials needed for handicraft production, but also to their local deposits. However, it is not only primary raw materials that enter the environment from handicraft production. The environment also provides the necessary energy, either in the form of direct use of the power of the elements or indirectly through fuel. More on:

www.sypka-moh.cz/cz Muzeum Sýpka v Rokytnici v Orl. h.

Sýpka – Muzeum Orlických hor
Horská 174
517 61 Rokytnice v Orlických horách
email: sypka(@)moh.cz
Phone.: 491 616 941 (recepce)
602 526 621 (kurátor)

Orlické Záhoří © 2023 Vytvořila: Monika Vrkoslavová, Bonnydesign.cz, K, T, O L