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Tourist Information Center
Orlické Záhoří

Smuggler's Trail (4 km)

the route leads from the pension Černá Voda (Orlické Záhoří) according to the marking of information boards.

There are four game elements with tasks and rest areas on the route. The trail returns to the Černá Voda guest house (Orlické Záhoří).

Ścieżka Przemytników (4 km) runs from the Černá Voda (Orlické Záhoří) pension and is marked with information boards.

In addition, there are four extras with themed entertainment elements for children and a place to relax. The tower back under the pension Černá Voda (Orlické Záhoří) is five feet.

Educational trail with a Kacenka in the footsteps of glassmakers

Length 15 km (by car, bicycle and on foot), on the route from Deštné v Orlických horách to Orlické Záhoří (or vice versa) there are seven information boards with information about the history of glassworks and glass production, which in the past was a source of livelihood in the Orlické Mountains. There are always competition codes at the bottom of the boards, which are written into the game rules table.
Forms with a map can be obtained at information centers - Orlické Záhoří and Deštné v Orlických horách. The reward for the completed table in the mentioned information centers are glass coins with Kačenka and Pašeráky. (In Deštné v Orlických horách, there is the first information board at the Museum, the second board at the Karolína restaurant, the third below Masaryk's cottage. The fourth information board is 1 km in the direction from Masaryk's cottage towards Orlické Záhoří The fifth information board is almost in Orlické Záhoří near the Bedřichovka cottage, the sixth board is about 300 - 400 meters from the Bedřichovka cottage towards the Bedřichovka-Lasówka border bridge, partly along a dirt road. Orlické Záhoří). viz. PDF download

Educational trail BEDŘICHOVKA

Length 3 km, there are 8 information panels on the route. The trail is suitable for hikers, cyclists and people with reduced mobility (only the panel at Divoká Orlice is not accessible for wheelchair users). The most suitable starting point is the cottage Bedřichovka. The trail leads from here in two branches - one leads to Trčková and the other to the river Divoká Orlica. Return from both branches along the same route.

Nature trail AROUND DESTNE

The NS route starts on the final bus at the Orlice Hotel in Deštné in the Orlické Mountains - Zákoutí. It continues along the road in the direction of Šerlich and turns left onto the road to the Šerlišský mlýn hotel. After about 500 m, it turns right across the Bělá river onto the yellow tourist path and continues parallel to the ridge of the Orlické Mountains to Masaryk's cottage in Šerlich. From here, it continues along the ridge path parallel to the red tourist path - Jirásek Mountain Road - through the Bukačka National Park to the crossroads of forest roads below Polomský Hill. Here is the NS turn right to Vrchmezí. From the crossroads below Polomský kopec, continue along the forest road to the Sedloňovský vrch nature reserve, then along this road around the Sedloňovský Black Cross. In the second sharp right-hand turn, it turns left to the blue tourist path and continues back to Deštné in the Orlické Mountains, where it ends in the middle of the village at the church at the bus stop.

Length: 15 km

Kačenčina fairytale trail

v Deštném v Orlických horách • Ścieżka Bajkowa Kraina Kasieńki – Deštné v Orlických horách • Kathy’s fairytale trail in Deštné v Orlických horách • Katkas Märchenweg in Deštné v Orlických horách https://www.destne.info/kacencinastezka/log, https://kacencinastezka.cz/#/mapa/all Kačenčina pohádková stezka

Fairytale routes in Kačencina's fairytale kingdom

http://orlickehory.eu/kacenka/index.php/pohadkove-trasy Pohádkové trasy v Kačenčině pohádkové říši

Educational trail along the ridge of ORLICKE MOUNTAINS

Length 17 km (cycling variant 19 km), there are 11 information panels on the route. The trail is realized in two variants. Hikers walk along the entire length of the red marked ridge route, cyclists drive along a roughly parallel asphalt road. Course of the route: Šerlich… Velká Deštná… Pěticestí… Saddle Mezivrší

Educational trail COUNTRY GATE

Length 3 km, 22 information panels were originally placed on the route, two stands are destroyed after the 2005/06 snow disaster. The trail is suitable for hikers. Cyclists can pass it in the section from Klášterec to Pašerácká lávka. From the footbridge to the bridge at Zemská brána, the Forest Act prohibits cyclists from entering the forest off the road, and the detour route leads around Orlická chata. The trail is two-way, its beginning can be found at the bridge at Zemská brána or on the border of the Protected Landscape Area above Klášterec nad Orlicí.

Orlické Záhoří © 2023 Vytvořila: Monika Vrkoslavová, Bonnydesign.cz, K, T, O L