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Tourist Information Center
Orlické Záhoří

Possibility of swimming in a natural reservoir with an area of 1 ha at your own risk, fishing for locals and vacationers - by arrangement in the information center, in operation since 2008.

The "Vodník Cachtálek" is located by the water reservoir, it was named by local children on the Smuggler's Trail on September 16, 2016. The author of the carved waterman is Miroslav Kříž from Jasenná, the work was made during the Kunštátský drvoštěp event on August 13, 2016.

A small reservoir under the church

Malá vodní nádrž pod kostelem

Orlické Záhoří © 2023 Vytvořila: Monika Vrkoslavová, Bonnydesign.cz, K, T, O L