(www.neratov.cz ) - Neratov (orig. Bärnwald) has been an important place of pilgrimage since the second half of the 17th century, up to four thousand pilgrims allegedly came here for the pilgrimage. The miraculous power was attributed to the love statue of the Virgin Mary and the spring that springs from the church. Due to the growing popularity of Neratov, the Baroque Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary was built between 1723 and 1733. It burned down in 1945 after being hit by a Red Army missile, during communism it was decided to demolish it and miraculously it was not demolished. It has been a cultural monument since 1992 and is working hard to restore it. The turbulent history and impressive atmosphere of the church with a glass roof still brings many pilgrims to Neratov. Services are regularly held in the church, and various cultural events are held here. The pilgrimage tradition interrupted by communism was also renewed - in mid-August, pilgrimage festivities with a spiritual, musical and theatrical program take place, and the Christmas and Easter holidays in Neratov also have a unique atmosphere.
The Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Neratov was built between 1723 and 1733. The foundation stone was laid by the owner of the estate, Johann Karl of Nostitz-Rhieneck on August 14, 1723. Bartholomew on August 24, 1733. The architect of the work is unknown, experts most often attribute it to the circle around Giovanni Battista Alliprandi, who in 1712 participated in the reconstruction of the Dean's Church of St. Trinity in nearby Opočno and in 1714 and 1720 he was involved in the construction of the Piarist Church of the Finding of St. Crosses in Litomysl. However, the first builder of the church, Carl Antoni Reina, could also have been the architect. The builder of the church was Carl Antoni Reina, who also built the church on Vrchní Orlica (consecrated in 1712). On August 23, 1728, Reina killed himself when he fell from a scaffolding and, according to legend, haunted the church until the door behind the altar was walled up. The construction was completed by Jakub Ondřej Carow. The altar was originally decorated with the painting "Ascension of the Virgin Mary" by Antonín František Hampisch, above the tabernacle was placed a love statue of the Virgin Mary, to which numerous miracles were attributed. The Rococo staircase, which later saved the church from demolition, was placed in front of the main portal in 1776. Its author was František Hornich. On the staircase were placed statues of St. Joseph, St. Thomas the Apostle, St. Barbara and St. Theresa. The church has a cross-shaped floor plan, a convex façade with two towers placed obliquely and concavely pilasters. It is 48 meters long and 19 meters wide, the internal height is 27 meters, the original external height measured to the tops of the towers was 47 meters. The north-south orientation of the church is interesting - the main entrance and the facade face south, the chancel to the north. Thanks to this non-traditional direction, the Christmas sunbeams fall directly on the tabernacle at noon on the feast of God. Today, the church houses a Renaissance stone baptistery, dedicated to the Neratov church in 1603 by Kryštof Mauschwitz of Armenruh.
In the past, an important trail to Kladsko led through Neratov. From Rokytnice you drove to Kladsko through the place where Hadinec later grew up, through Vysoký Kořen down to Neratov, there was a ford through Divoká Orlica, then towards Lichtenwalde (today's Polish Poreba) to the valley of Kladská Nisa. On July 29, 1618, Orlice was crossed by a 17-meter-long wooden bridge. In 1730, it was rebuilt into a stone one, on which a statue of St. Jan Nepomucký (after the restaurant in 1932, it did not return to its place, it stood on the land of the mayor's office. After the war, the Czechs took the preserved statue.). After 1945, the Kladno half of the bridge was torn down. The Czech half fell into disrepair, but stood until the 1980s. Back in 1996, there was a middle pillar. In the spring of 1997, nothing remained of the bridge at all. Engravings from Neratov, depicting, among other things, the bridge.
· In 1998, the nature reserve "Neratovské louky" was declared in the floodplain of Divoká Orlice, between the road and the river, southeast of Neratov. The subject of protection is a typical habitat of a waterlogged meadow in the floodplain of the Divoká Orlice, partly extensively cultivated, partly peatland with protected and endangered plant species (variegated thistle, ringed thistle, chamois . The area of the reservation is 13.12 ha at an altitude of 585 to 604 m.